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History of the O'odham of Canoa.

Contributing resources.

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Mr. Joseph Joaquin, Tribal Elder and true friend, for his guidance and patients, allowing us to share his story!


Mr. Bernard Siquieros, Tribal Elder and Museum creator for the basket image by Matilda Saraficio.   


Mr. Adam Andrews, Tribal member of the Wa:k Community and Administrative Manager of San Xavier Coop Farm who shared our journey to get the story right. and


Ms Phyllis Valenzuela, Tribal member and San Xavier Co-op Farm's Catering Chef, for all contributions to this project and our communities.  


Tony Burrell, David Tenario, Chris Antone, Ignacio (Nacho) Franco, Rowena Carlyle, and the Tohono O’odham Nation's Cultural Affairs and Planning Departments for their contributions.

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